Monday, September 6, 2010

Riddles and Progress

I had a moment of realization the other day in a dimly lit Mexican restaurant in the Valley.  Justin, Annabella and I were waiting for our lunch and Annabella was telling us jokes.  “What do you call a deer with no eyes?”
“No I deer!”

We were laughing and Justin asked her if she liked riddles.  She said that she was not sure but it sounded like something she would like.  He said, “Let me give you an example.  This father is out with his son when he becomes extremely hurt and has to go to the hospital for immediate medical attention.  At the hospital, the doctor yells, ‘I can’t help that man, that man is my son!’  Who is the doctor?”
Without skipping a beat she says, “The mom.  So, what’s a riddle?  A question?”

We realized that while maybe even 10 years ago that might have been considered a riddle, now little girls see women in all kinds of roles.  Annabella’s pediatrician is a woman as is her dentist and her soon to be orthodontist.  Many of the women in my life are writers, artists, composers, directors, executive producers, CFOs, A&R executives, etc.  I have always worked in male dominated fields, so for her there is proof that there is nothing she can‘t do.  It isn’t even a thought to her that there is a job that a woman would not be good for.  She doesn’t realize that only 50 years ago, women applying to Harvard Law School would have to justify to the dean why they should have a place meant for a man. 

I began to think about this and was so encouraged and excited by the possibility that our children will have every avenue open to them, they see women in powerful positions working alongside men all the time.  That no gender is “better” and that it really should be the best person for the job.  In their early years, they are growing up with Obama as our President and Hilary as our Secretary of State. 

As parents in this exciting time we have some fantastic opportunities, but we also have different challenges.  But we won’t get into that today.  After all, we are just starting!  In this blog I want to explore those challenges, the day to day reality, as well as appreciate the women and men before us who have brought us to this amazing place.  With any luck this blog will be somewhat intellectual and possibly entertaining.   Annabella likes it but thinks the monthly blogs on iCarly are “just slightly better” so at least I have something to aspire to. 

Now, what do you call a deer with no eyes or legs?  Still no I deer!

With Love From The Valley/Kelly

1 comment:

  1. I'm mortified to tell you that I had to say it out loud before I understood this! Love this already!!
